Bio Metric hacked - one year experince

What if you discovered, that we are all ,without exception under control , already experiencing a " New World Order ", each of us in its own  costumed  version ? 

What  if we are all bio ( metric ) hacked  for a few years already and even chipped, physically or metaphorically ? design and self operate the " Matrix" grid  with algorithms that  feedback to our reactions and thoughts ?  

would  it make sense that those , who rule this planet made sure we will be wired( less) to advance mass controlling techniques way before announcing the epidemic, and didn't really wait for a whole year to vaccine us perhaps (or not ), with  nano chips ? that the vaccine hysteria is mostly yet another " Black Life Maters " distraction noise ?   


How can it  be that after a year of experience, billions and without much resistance , still irrationally  lock themselves in many countries  down ,while agreeing  to their offsprings / their DNA spread future to be destroyed ? , preventing themselves  O2  -the most important component, in cellular level - of their  human physicality, by wearing masks, slowly killing themselves and symbiotic Nature  ,yet are terrified to die from one microbe ,virus ,that might make you sneeze and that we are also being told by the media  only 0.001% of those billions are  infected ?  what about primal instincts ? gone with the wind of wireless mass control ?


the good news from my experience is that when you acknowledge you  are already enslave , you immediately become free , and  deliberate stress situation don't effect you  anymore. 
you cannot be controlled if you are aware of it and disagree. make sense ?
I assume each of us has its own costumed controlling algorithms. and common ground would be "weaknesses",


those might be weaknesses you know of , that are for years postponed  to deal with at another time ,that means : "Tomorrow ".  it might even have to do with  acquired skills , practically  easy to  be work on and eliminate. " The shoemaker goes barefoot" kind of weaknesses, for example.
Addressing our weakness would be an interesting theme psychological wise ,as I've learnt from past experiences that controlling  abusers act in such ways due to self weakness and fear. understanding this helped me to forgive and find compassion to my biggest past abuser  two years ago and even recently to feel love for him.  The major life trauma was completely gone in 2 seconds and I became empowered.  
I assume the more enlightened one is ,therefore aware of controlling ways ,in theory, it would  effect less in practical. but  unless being controlled is not noticed one can not be fully awakened , could it be that the algorithms are designed in such  manipulative ways  ,  the more awakened with potential or already practical positive influence, leading  or high positioned  one is , though still not aware of own enslave to hit tech controls ,  their  effect on the Matrix will always  be  ,no mater what ,negative and relatively  more than others , so keeping it low vibe "Matrix" ,but once acknowledged and  set  themselves free by facing weaknesses , they will also  immediately and   relatively project the most positive effect on it ? 
because I wonder why we are always almost " there " but still not " there ", seemingly still going down the hill  ? 
Another  thought : as a creator, part of  divine source and light, darkness can not touch or harm us, unless agreed .it may trick us though  to believe it can, so eventually we ate those who harm ourself.  


Here's  a channeled massage  : "There  is no one Mashiach, No one leader or savvier. As part of God ,each of us is individually A Mashiach, creating together The Mashiach  ".
this may not be  news ,but strengthen what was already messaged to us, in other words. 


As a Non practicing anymore  -justice seeking -medical professional, with  a sense of duty to help and heal I noticed, while being activist that its very hard to convince those without medical knowledge , (meaning most of population) ,that the draconic measures make no sense, especially when most medical pros keep silence .As minority despite truth speaking I was immediately tagged  as insane. and seems  likeminded experience the same. but what if the information about already in slavery would be considered  and if correctly found will be passed on ?
everyone knows already they are under surveillance, everyone experience social media for years ,just advance one small step forward  acknowledging they are a major controlling means  and get mass awakening, because this might resonance  with billions more than medical preachings.


These contemplations don't contradict any other already known knowledge, only add to them , thinking about them  and than realising them parallel to other activities could be 'baking powder' that might accelerate our way to wished target. 


if this resonance, you might consider checking those ideas , noticing if you and close surrounding are effected by  paying attention  to reactions .what would be your honest conclusions ? 
It took me more than six months to figure out that not only my phone is hacked with malware after a virus was sent to my email ,but Im also bio ( metric ) hacked. it took me few more weeks to accept this self found explanation, also realising that the moment I did that I became free.                               
In the augmented/ virtual  low vibe "new world order"  grid reality i am at ,I mostly see disharmony , ugliness ,dirt , ruins and experience crime acts, physical and verbal violence. which are  all the opposite of who I am ,what I believe in and strive for. 

Opposite would be also a recurring motive.


End of Feb 2020 my physical surroundings stretch in front of my eyes for a few seconds, and although I ws sitting I felt  I was pulled down, as if falling to the bottom of earth, surrounded then by  an electric " cloud "or field  .I could see the dense light sparks in the flat atmosphere and in compare to the smooth outside reflected trough the windows.


Since than  it seems Im in a parallel world surrounded by young  zombie looking punk gamers who hunt me  with their iphone 12 , who wear their masks proudly, acting as if its cool. forcing me to wear it too or correct it to cover my nose , sometimes  even with physical violence.
I assume those are designed holograms aimed to stress me and bully me otherwise how could all  those punks afford such a fancy phone ?
I finally managed ,lately ,to meet someone from my past , sitting at one table we described different parallel realities and experiences of same city and epidemic , his are milder. I also managed to connect with an old friend from the US who was amazed to tell me he knows another woman  who  is  experiencing very similar abuse and mind games. but he lost contact with her.  


Basically, I am  almost completely isolated since March last year meeting no one familiar  and in my case it wasn't difficult to achieve.I still communicate sometimes with few via email, other than that I am  pretty much alone , and now also without  access to media or stable internet ,that in my case are hacked and manipulated, in any case.


This  isolation process stated in 2018 when family and  close friends left one by one , accusing me to be evil, leaving me alone to deal with a harsh medical situation. And  I never heard from all of them again. Were they all controlled to think that in evil ? they all knew me for years , who I am ,what I think and my contributions to others, how could it be then ? it never really made  sense but I almost believed back than that they are right.  


I could write already a manual how and in  which ways I am  being  controlled and bullied.
On the physical level,  3d printed augmented or virtual  masseurs are being used, electro magnetic waves  from all spectrum  are sent wirelessly  via barcodes , 50 60 Hrz Led light bulbs , " radio " wave based smoke detectors (that are now mandatory in all houses in this city) , dust, dirt and pseudo codes to name a few. 
Sometimes Eco reveals  hidden microphones , non logic and too close compare to position disturbing sounds reveal hidden speakers and probably cameras or body heat detectors  are places in my flat as well. Sometimes  I notice careless signs of entry when I'm not there but it is mostly controlled even now as I write ,from afar .  
Those  physical harassment are  probably achieved  due to medical treatments that  I went through in 2018 . I now ask myself often what was really in those invasive treatments ? after a complete  self body check , I found few small painful  forigen objects stuck in body tissues surrounded  by a fluid "cousin". one  for instance is  trapped in a scar of a vaccine I was injected with at age 10. 


Tinnitus - the real epidemic- would be typically perceived as metallic sounds . It might make sense to you too thier origins  come from  satellites ,modems phones computer and other electronics or wireless internet facilities. you might hear it if you're more in tune, so do millions of people already,  but I believe it surrounds us all effecting everyone also those who don't grasp it.  Dead / damaged/ numb tissues make room for those frequencies to enter and go through us and then get stuck in loop, The effect of specific single frequency or combinations on organs and brain function is well known. it can heal , thats what music does  for instance, but  like everything else ,it can be  abused and manipulated.

On  the mental aspect I am put under stress situation in which Im extremely bullied, threatened , conned .  my good name is often trashed, also by loved ones . A lot  of mind games is being used . I also received few random messaged  this year that its is a " Game " I need to master. l was very fast accused to be a  "Corona Denier"   on social media although not denying it. I was  publicly asking at the start of the epidemic why was a winning horse changed, and the already  successful protocol of handling potential epidemics  wasn't at all used ,before the new experimental ans draconic measures came in force,  shutting the world down ? I also waren already in March snd April last year about mutations if the unbalance of environment due to all of those measures will continue.   intense trolling ,threats and censor made me leave social media ,isolating me even more , other activities in physical world using my medical knowledge to awaken people on the streets encounter negative feedbacks as well ,shutting those activities off.

stress and loneliness are the 2 major causes for illness  and death , I am experiencing those very intensively and  without a break for one year already.  I was even recently illegally committed by force ,while being beaten up and handcought by  5 policeman to psychiatric hospital. was released after 6 days tough. they had no given proof I am danger nor had they good reason to keep me . but they did inject by force drugs in the first days and I cant remember much of this experience .I suppose that was yet another try to threaten or scare me.


But  I also learned my " captures " during this time , not only they learnt me . I notice repetitive feedback of same specific sounds or actions occurring when I am in a specific mental or physical state ,or for instance if I manage to help myself . many time sounds/ noises such as ambulance siren  or  very loud running trains  every 2 seconds even at non operating hours are so out of context as if its an automatic program feed from my brain signals running on empty. so  I already know they are fake and actually by recognising them it helps to specific and direct my ways.   
I had no choice but to  drastically transform this year to become the best  version of myself. The more  grotesque I saw and experienced, the more I wanted to  learn and dig deeper, finding out there was  a good job made hiding  from me  since childhood whats  really going on in the world , hiding  my Self from myself  , the more Im now  bullied the more I am sure of my ways and of who I am , its actually confirmation and maybe I  should even take  this all as some twisted compliment.  
 while energy is  being used against  me I started working with energy myself too. and am astonished by its effect.
I understand  now that  I was being controlled all my life . Sexually abused at home while simultaneously bullied and banned  at school made me lock myself for 10 years in my room as it was the only non stress  protected place  for me while educating and parenting myself. This all prepared me to what Im going  now through.  
Another  major controlling way used was phsyciatric medications  
I was  forced  for more than 20 years to take them. mostly without official  psychiatric recommendations and for many years ,not even prescribed under my name,  I was  being convinced I need them as I am not ok , I still  relatively, accomplished a lot although small scale, while being sure constant sever anxiety  and depression ( actually caused  by the medications  ) being insecure and weak with  lack of communication skills, is really who I am. 
I stopped taking them  only 2 years ago and after  a very hard withdrawal  I regained my real self and started learning  about my  true abilities and no wonder everyone wants me to take them again to shut me off .  I once read those medications are being referred to as   the new  lobotomy  ,and  I think that is correct .  
few months ago  a memory from different time and place surfaced. I thought  that I already figured it out but now with all this info floating me, it got another new meaning for me . I don't think  that I was "kidnapped" to this low vibration reality  anymore only to become part of an experiment . I now believe  I am at  the pit of earth for a very good reason .maybe my contemplations  at the beginning of this essay could reveal  what that might be.

I am very grateful for this mesmerise experience. without it I would have not finally set myself free .
I might be experiencing an extreme  situation but maybe it could be seen by others  as metaphor to global state.
patience and nerves out of steal would be good essence these days    
I send you love from the 'Dead Sea' of vibrations 
Take Care 
